There will always be aids. There will always be cancer. And there will always be children dying daily of malnutrition, disease, and lack of clean water. And there will always be orphans.
Our world is broken and the brokenness manifests itself and shows it’s ugly head generation after generation through many ways.
So why, then, if you cannot eradicate, advocate, serve the ones that are suffering when no end seems to be in sight?
Because God desires us to display His glory through our advocacy, through our help, and through our research. When Jesus came, most people walked away from him disappointed. They had their assumptions and preconceived notions of what He was supposed to accomplish. Some saw Him heal and questioned ‘why not heal all’? People saw him feed the 5 thousand, yet some of them walked away thinking ‘why not feed all hungry people?’ And yet others saw his power displayed over the Roman government, yet walked away saying ‘why doesn’t He demand his leadership and authority and redeem us from this oppressive government?’
Because He didn’t come for this. Jesus did not come to set up hospitals, although the healed.  He did not come to develop schools, although he was a profound teacher with the upmost wisdom. structure and leadership for a perfect society where no one is oppressed and all are equal.
Jesus came to demonstrate his power over all of these things, but not to reconcile all things. Through these, he was able to demonstrate Gods glory, revealing his claim that he was the Messiah .
As we are invited to be apart of Gods story, he invites us to join in with him by being an advocate for justice… But is not asking us to fix all injustices. In the midst of our advocacy, He displays His glory, we are seen as drastic contrasters of this world, and we are showing the great joy it is to be living for God. So be encouraged, don’t get overwhelmed with the endless need and suffering. Engage in the story God has entrusted to you, and demonstrate Gods glory in the midst.